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Week 21 Reflection - HNC

Today we started out the session by mainly focusing on Unit 2 CPD and so we first started out by sharing what we had done CV wise and what we currently have and what we are using for applying for jobs. Due to COVID and a lot us haven’t applied for new jobs, our CV’s were quite out of date. We then had a little workshop where we worked on our CV’s looking at good cvs, bad ones as well as more creative ones which are more eye catching. As I had previously updated my CV for a new job I got back in December of 2020, I didn’t need to update much and did not want to completely reformat my entire CV so I only made adaptations while also then getting feedback from the workshop head. We then met up with our practical tutor and had a little recap from last week to discuss what we had done since last week. Due to personal reasons I have not made too much progress since last week but have done some internal planning where I have planned my final look being the 17th century look. I then did discuss this with my tutor and asked for assistance for certain skills that I haven’t played around with. This skill in particular is actually applying a beard with crepe hair. For my 17th century I plan to do a historical male look incorporating the wig and maybe some ageing makeup inspired from the visit from Tanya Noor.

Currently the CTL and course leader for the media makeup department has invited me and asked me to join her during the interview process to meet the new students as well as show them my previous work which is a huge compliment to my work as an artist and student. So I did partake in that and then joined my usually programmed session in the afternoon. I then started working away at a beard and was looking at how to apply it and having a couple goes as this is what I plan to do for my 17th century. I tried firstly doing a moustache which I really did not like and did not like the outcome at all. I did take some photos as you can see, but after that I did take it off and then have a go at a beard following the correct steps and numbers on where and in what order you should apply the hair. I feel like this attempt went much better, I did not complete the beard look but just wanted to play around with the entire idea of it and practice applying it. After having a couple goes I think I am a little more nervous of trying this new technique for the looks and might put some base colour down under the beard before applying as well as draw in some sharp hair like strokes at the edge to really give that full look when doing my assessment. Although I am nervous about using this technique I think this is a good way to really push myself and show off all of my skills other than just wigs and glamor makeup. I think from this week I want to continue to finish off the rest of my planning for 31 for all other areas and also start some of the planning for my 17th century look. I also plan to work on my Unit 2 Essay some more as we start to close out term 2 and get all work submitted on time and perfected to my personal standard.


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